Thoughts and resources on aggression

All aggression is calculated, although some is poorly calculated. 

How is aggression controlled at the individual level? We talk about hormones and neurotransmitters, the functions of amygdala and pre-frontal cortex.

How is aggression controlled in society? Inter-personal factors would include retaliation, as in the game theory.At the societal level we think of law and order. 

How is aggression different from competitiveness? 

Freud would believe that aggression is inevitable. People use defense mechanisms to control it. 

Why do people enjoy violent contents in movies? Is it wishfulfillment or vacarious satisfaction?

Cathasis is simply priming, increasing accessibility of violence. Cathasis is also a form of displacement.

Aggression is based on two factors. The first one is cost benefit computation. The second factor is one's ability to choose the most benificial route of action.

How is aggression differ from competitiveness, e.g., in sports? They are both related with status.

How do you react the the killings of Saddam, Gaddafi and Bin Laden?

Aggression has some facy names, such as valor. It is related with honor.

Some groups intentionally cultivate aggression abilities and fear the loss of them.


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